
Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a holistic manual treatment method that, with the help of gentle touch by the therapist, can release and correct blockages and functional disorders of the body and soul. The hands are the therapist’s most important instruments. The name is derived from the bones involved: skull (cranium) and spine to the sacrum (sacrum). A person’s craniosacral system fills and empties rhythmically with cerebrospinal fluid. This rhythm, like the heart and breathing rhythm, can be felt throughout the body. An imbalance in the craniosacral system can lead to functional disorders in perception, motor skills or thinking.

The treatment activates and supports the body’s own self-healing powers. Local problems are tracked down and permanently eliminated.

child headache

Die Häufigkeit der Kopfschmerzen bei Kindern hat in den letzten 30 Jahren deutlich zugenommen. Die Ursachen sind so vielfältig wie die Behandlungsmethoden. Eine genaue Anamnese ist wichtig, um den Kindern zu den für sie richtigen Therapien zu verhelfen.

Cystic fibrosis

The actual cause of cystic fibrosis is a genetic defect. Only the symptoms, the dysfunction of the pancreas and the lungs can be treated. Characteristic is the thick mucus, which can lead to secretion congestion and, because it offers an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, then to inflammation of the airways. Interrupting this cycle is the task of physiotherapy. Exercises to stretch the shortened auxiliary respiratory muscles, thorax mobilization and special breathing techniques are important.

On the one hand, these can help to loosen and cough up the tough mucus, but they can also measurably improve lung function. They also help to maintain and increase the necessary gas exchange in the lungs. The patient gains a significant quality of life. Today, self-cleaning techniques are often taught, which those affected can carry out independently according to their daily form.
In contrast to adult treatment, the treatment of an infant is carried out in a playful way and the parents are taught exercises to use at home.

Children’s rheumatism

In contrast to adults, rheumatic diseases in children are largely of an inflammatory nature. Today, chronic joint inflammation predominates; because of its peculiarity compared to adults, it is referred to as “juvenile chronic arthritis”. We are dealing with different manifestations that differ in the involvement of the joints, in their complications as well as in the treatment and often in the prognosis. As soon as possible, emerging movement restrictions and relieving postures must be treated as a preventative measure. The treatment begins with maintaining full joint mobility and preventing the risk of joint misalignments. Every child must be treated according to their age.

The therapist must first gain the child’s trust, treat them painlessly and in a child-friendly manner, work in a way that is gentle on the joints, reduce muscle tension, stretch and activate depending on the findings, improve joint mobility and help the child relearn the “correct” movement sequences.

Vojta therapy

Postural and musculoskeletal disorders, especially if they are caused by disorders of the brain, require very complex treatment, often months, sometimes years, which should start as early as possible. With the Vojta method, a therapy was developed for these clinical pictures that has become an indispensable part of modern physiotherapy in orthopaedics, neurology and paediatrics. “Normal” movement sequences such as grasping, standing up and running are not primarily learned, practiced and trained. Rather, Vojta Therapy stimulates the brain to activate “innate, stored movement patterns” and to export them as coordinated movements into the trunk and limb muscles. With the so-called reflex movement, Vojta has developed a method that makes elementary movement patterns accessible again, at least in some areas, even in people with damaged central nervous systems and musculoskeletal systems. To do this, the therapist exerts targeted pressure on certain areas of the patient’s body in the prone, back and side position. In people of all ages, this stimulus “reflexively” leads to two complexes of movement, which contain all the “building blocks” of human locomotion: “reflex crawling” and “reflex turning around”. These movement complexes can be activated independently of the patient’s will.